

2022年12月23日 に「脳科学セミナーシリーズEx」および「NGP交流会」が開催されました

2022年12月23日 にNGP代表である大隅典子教授とサブリーダー筒井健一郎教授による「脳科学セミナーシリーズEx」および「NGP交流会」が片平キャンパスにて開催されました。




演題:Hippocampal synchronized neuronal activity for learning, memory and emotion

開催場所:片平キャンパス 生命科学研究科 プロジェクト研究棟 講義室


NGP 交流会



開催場所:星陵キャンパス 臨床講義棟 2階 臨床中講堂


Comment about NGP online lecture

D3 Jasper Kevin GERMERAAD

Jasper Kevin GERMERAAD Nearly 3 years after the world shut down due to COVID-19, we are slowly returning to (new) normal. International travel has restarted which made it possible to return home for the holidays. Due to COVID-19, we have had extensive practice with online meetings, which made it possible to have a hybrid meeting. Most students attended on-site, but the ones that went home for the holidays could join online. During the meeting, we listened to 2-minute flash talks by all students regarding their research. It was great to find other students working on similar projects and gaining insight in their strategies, which could be applied to my own research, or open the door for future collaborations. COVID-19 has made connecting with other researchers through online means extremely easy, which is a positive thing we might have never expected.


Jasper Kevin GERMERAAD After dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic challenges to communicate with each other, now it is possible to attend meetings in on-site and online formats simultaneously. At this opportunity, I went back home after waiting for so long for the pandemic restrictions to get better, and I was happy to be able to join the NGP meeting though being faraway. Attending this meeting is very important since we all have a chance to see other students’ research projects and interact on common challenges.

D3 柿沼 一雄

柿沼 一雄 The COVID-19 pandemic has led to most NGP events being held online for the past two years. On December 23, we had the opportunity to attend an onsite event. The day's highlight was a lecture on hippocampus function in memory and emotion, and the following exchange meeting.
In the exchange meeting, all NGP students presented their research in two-minute speeches. The presentations covered a wide range of neuroscience research topics, from cellular to human scale. All presentations were well-organized and delivered excellent English speeches. The NGP program provides many opportunities for students to practice giving presentations in English, including the "Academic English" class, which I believe has helped us improve such presentation skills. Thanks to these past practices, I also was at ease presenting my research progress at the exchange meeting.
Overall, the event was an excellent opportunity for me to confirm the current progress of my research and to get motivated for my upcoming study abroad program, which starts next January. I hope to obtain great achievements while studying abroad and present them at a future meeting.